Learning for Ages 5 to 11

Explore the world of computer science with engaging videos, self-paced tutorials, programming activities, and more!

Code the fun: with Transformers One!

Build your own exciting Transformers One world now!

Transformers One

Get Started with Hour of Code

Learn the fundamentals of computer science with free Hour of Code activities, featuring drag-and-drop coding blocks. There are hundreds of hour-long options to choose from!

Get Started with Hour of Code

Learn the fundamentals of computer science with free Hour of Code activities, featuring drag-and-drop coding blocks. There are hundreds of hour-long options to choose from!

Explore Hour of Code activities

Continue Learning at Your Own Pace

Create drawings, games, and more in these two excellent options for students getting started on their own learning the basics of computer science.

Ages 5-7

Pre-Reader Express Course

Learn computer science at your own pace! Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and teachers.

Ages 7-11

Express Course

Learn computer science at your own pace! Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and teachers.

Make Your Own Animations and Games

Ages 7+

Sprite Lab

Time to get creative! Use block-based coding to make something silly, sweet, or outer-spacey in Sprite Lab. The only limit is your imagination!

Try Sprite Lab

Additional Resources

There are so many ways to further explore computer science! Browse our video library, or learn more about exciting careers in the computer science field.

Discover our Video Library

Learn the basics of computer science through short 5-10 minute videos on topics like artificial intelligence, the Internet, how computers work, how not to get hacked, blockchain, careers, and more!

View video library

Go Further with CS Journeys

Take the next step on your computer science journey. Explore careers, mentorship opportunities, online courses, scholarships, internships and more!

Explore CS Journeys

Computer Science in the Classroom

These courses should be led by a teacher! If you'd like to see them taught at your school, ask a parent or guardian to work with a teacher to bring them to your class.

Grades: K-5

Computer Science Fundamentals

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Free set of elementary curricula that introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.

Grades: 3-5

Computer Science Connections

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Make connections between computer science (CS) and other subjects like math, language arts, science, and social studies.